In the vast world of yoga, Ashtanga Yoga shines as a beacon for those seeking a disciplined and holistic practice. The Primary Series, a sequence meticulously designed for beginners, is not merely a set of postures but a journey towards achieving balance, strength,...
Embarking on the journey of Ashtanga Yoga unveils a world where strength meets flexibility, and the breath orchestrates the movement of life. Among the myriad of asanas that compose this ancient practice, Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana emerges as a beacon for those...
Supta Konasana is a seated posture from the Ashtanga Primary Series. It comes near the end of the seated sequence and offers a deep forward bend and leg stretch. Supta, in Sanskrit, means reclining, “Kona” means angle, and “Asana” means...
Upavishta (उपविष्ट): This Sanskrit word translates to “seated” or “sitting.” In the context of Upavishta Konasana, it refers to the seated position of the practitioner with the legs extended wide apart. Kona (कोण): “Kona” translates...
Yoga is a journey of self-discovery, offering a path to physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Among the treasures of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series seated sequence, the Baddha Konasana, or Bound Angle Pose, stands out as a gem that embodies both the grace of...