In the vast world of yoga, Ashtanga Yoga shines as a beacon for those seeking a disciplined and holistic practice. The Primary Series, a sequence meticulously designed for beginners, is not merely a set of postures but a journey towards achieving balance, strength,...
Embarking on the journey of Ashtanga Yoga unveils a world where strength meets flexibility, and the breath orchestrates the movement of life. Among the myriad of asanas that compose this ancient practice, Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana emerges as a beacon for those...
Ashtanga Yoga, a practice steeped in ancient tradition, offers a systematic path towards physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening. Within its structured series of postures, Ubhaya Padangusthasana shines as a beacon for both novices and seasoned yogis,...
Nestled within the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, also known as Yoga Chikitsa, Supta Padangusthasana serves as a pivotal moment for practitioners. This therapeutic sequence aims to purify the physical and energetic body, preparing the practitioner for deeper states of...
Supta Konasana is a seated posture from the Ashtanga Primary Series. It comes near the end of the seated sequence and offers a deep forward bend and leg stretch. Supta, in Sanskrit, means reclining, “Kona” means angle, and “Asana” means...